Personalized Wealth Management for High-Income Professionals In Every Phase of Their Career
MWM offers personalized wealth planning solutions to high-net worth clients in Raleigh and beyond, and empowers clients to take charge of their finances.
A high income offers you a lot of potential – unlock it with Miner Wealth Management.
Skip the worry, confusion, and inaction. Get personalized guidance and tailored investment advice to help you achieve your short and long-term goals.
Confidently Grow Your Wealth With Our Customized Plan
You can trust that your plan will reflect your goals and values, not ours.
Flat Fee
No hidden fees or commissions– only transparent pricing, so you know exactly how much money you’re investing.
CFP® Professional
This certification is the gold standard of excellence in the financial planning industry. Only 25% of financial advisors do the learning and ongoing work necessary to achieve this distinction.
We understand where you are. We’ve either been there ourselves or helped a client who was.
Miner Wealth Management gives you peace of mind for today– and tomorrow.
The decisions you make (or don’t) make about your money matter. With our guidance, you can trust that your financial future is in the right hands.
Quality Personalized Financial Planning is more than higher investment returns.
Connect your life with your values.
Increase your security and stability.
Maximize your flexibility.
Understand your money.
Partnership with a qualified financial expert.
Meet Matt Miner
Make a joyful, meaningful life possible.
Hi, I am Matt Miner, founder of Miner Wealth Management, a fee-only financial planning firm serving clients in Raleigh, NC, and across the country virtually.
My mission is to equip and empower clients to increase their incomes, reduce taxes, and optimize savings and investments to connect their money and values.
I work with kind, wealth-oriented professionals, entrepreneurs, and families who want to take control of their finances and build the life of their dreams.
Learn how Miner Wealth Management adds value for clients.
Sign up for Matt's emails here.
When I’m not helping clients “kill debt, build wealth, and avoid the wage slave trap,” you can find me in and around Raleigh…
Family fun spot: Oak Park Pool
Underwater is for swimming, not investments.
Don’t call me on: Opening day of dove or deer season
Timing is important for your calendar and mine, not for our investments.
Date night restaurant: Whiskey Kitchen
Tip your server – not the IRS!
Out and about: Running and biking the trails at Umstead Park
In life and investing: don’t miss the forest for the trees!
Favorite adventure: Sailing in Thailand
My recommendation: exciting vacations, boring investments.
Furry friend: Scout, our “Whippie-hound-ador” from Peak Lab Rescue
She’s diversified - like your investing approach should be.
Best lunch: Washington Duke Inn bar (order the seafood chowder)
Disclaimer: May cause inflation of the waistline!
Helping others
Hoarding money and time < Helping others with it.